Tuesday 18 August 2009

She Writes…No more

She writes every day at the very end of the day a full page of her thoughts and her recollections. She puts all her deepest thoughts and memories in her journal for safekeeping. 30 years and maybe more of the most incredible information of such a fulfilled happy life have been documented by the very own words of most amazing Great Auntie Ann. Until 1 week ago when the Lord came and took her tired ill health body but even though she was ill she wrote until two days before she passed away. What a relationship to have with these journals, it must have been her way of talking though her day with her ever forgiving writing. She had a special friendship with a lady who she had made an eternal promise with to burn all of the journals, to destroy her secrets to destroy history of this inspiring lady to destroy what may upset some. So that she can take all of these amazing moments when her pen touched the paper all these amazing secrets to her final resting place…in heaven and they stay with her alone forever.

Monday 10 August 2009


Weddings seem to make my brain go all fuzzy. I just love the magical romance between two people on such a special day. To feel the love between two people so strong that wild horses couldn’t tear them apart. And to feel the love in the room with all the family and friends. Family always want to make heart felt words to the special couple and let them know how much they are loved and cared for and friends like to have there say by a little bit of cheekiness normally!

A Wedding in my eyes is the most pinnacle day in your life to say those vows to your true love, your soul mate and very best friend in the presence of God to me it seems unbeatable. To love someone whole heartedly, so much that you are happy to spend the rest of your lives together. It’s a moment in your lives history that will never never be forgotten.

I am truly looking forward to my wedding day and this weekend it will be 1 year to go.

I want to say to every friend and member of my family whose wedding I have been to thank you so much for inviting me to your wedding it’s a true honour to be part of your special day.


Monday 3 August 2009

My Garden

This weekend after spending a long time in the garden, there seems to be little impact to show for this exerted efforts.
However i do have one plant am so proud of, it seems to keep come back year after year and doesn't feel the need for any love other than an occasional bit of water.
Oh how I love Stargazer Lillie's! xx